Meet Laurel
Welcome and thank you for visiting Laurel’s Butter!
I am the creator and owner of Laurel’s Butter, handcrafted nut butters. I have always had a passion for nut butters and decided to live my dream and make my passion my business.
Not only do I love the taste of my butters, I love the nutrition they provide. I think it is important to keep your foods simple, pure, and nutritious; hence the phrase that came about, “no crap, just nuts.”
I have a bachelors degree in Kinesiology from the University of Rhode island and a Master's degree in physical education from Adelphi University. I competed as a Division I track athlete in college and as an IFBB professional figure bodybuilder. As a teacher and athlete I know that nut butters are the perfect form of energy with healthy fats and protein to keep you full and happy throughout the day!
However, my crowning achievement has been being a hard working mom to my baby boy Jaxson. I am a mom, a teacher, an athlete, and have a highly educated understanding of the human body. All these factors combine to put my family in position to provide your family with the most nutritious nut butters on the market!
Lets keep food simple, clean, and delicious…with Laurel’s Butter of course!